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Models: Jovanna Garza & Isaiah Trevino; Photographer: Marie Agustin; Stylists: Lily Davis & Alexia Pedroza; HMUA: Thao Thai, Set Design: Kaili Ochoa

By Sophie Sadetaporn

Liked by everyone, known by none

You think you see me

But if you did, you would run

At least that's the lie I've spun

At your service

Day and night

Smiling as if nothing's amiss

As if I allow my true feelings to see the light

I fear abandonment

So my needs wane as I become stealthy

Hiding my boundaries—my indictments

Even if I know them to be healthy

Maybe one day, I'll set them free

But not today, when you still love me

The only me that I let you see

Because I can't risk being hated

Even if I know our end is fated

It's too late for the lies to be undone

For it's not me, whom you love

But rather, the lies I've spun

All because I can't risk being truly loved.

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