Hiraeth in the Hurt

Models: Arianna Jenkins, Sydney Isik; Photographer: Diya Ballal; Stylists: Madylin Mercado & Ishaan; HMUA: Madylin Mercado

By Aarzoo Modha

The peace I find in the exhaustion.

Solitude in the silence,

And a mind consumed of all but meaning.

Sitting there, scratching every corner of my head,

With the constant buzz of nothingness

And hiraeth in the hurt.

Our eyes meet…

I wait patiently for our

Two souls to connect,

To understand the half-lives we lead.

Strong roots for legs, holding us in place,

Stuck as statues in time, meeting our demise.

We are teased with sleep,

We beg to be wrapped up,

Put to rest, encompassed in warmth.

But all we are meant to do

Is find nostalgia in the careless times of the past

Where energy never ceased to be.

And on we live in our exhaustion.

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